首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中医药信息杂志》 >顾维超运用加味升陷饮治疗心肺疾病经验




Professor GU Wei-chao is with great academic and clinical experience. He has thoughts in ZHANG Xi-chun's academic thoughts, especially his application of Zhang's theory. He added Rhodiolae Crenulatae Radix et Rhizoma, Agrimoniae Herba, Taxilli Herba, Nardostachyos Radix et Rhizoma, Corni Fructus, and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle to Shengxian Decoction to make modified Shengxian Decoction to strengthen the efficacy of invigorating qi and ascending qi collapse, reinforcing heart and astringing qi, cultivating the essence and notifying kidney, and inducing resuscitation and allaying tiredness, with a purpose to treat sinking qi syndrome of heart and lung diseases and expand the application areas of Zhang's Shengxian Decoction. This article introduced experience of GU Wei-chao in treating heart and lung diseases by using modified Shengxian Decoction through three clinical cases of effusion after lung surgery, chest and heart pain and difficulties in breathing.%顾维超主任学验俱丰,对张锡纯学术经验积有心得,尤对张氏大气学说有所发挥,在其升陷汤基础上加红景天、仙鹤草、桑寄生、甘松、山萸肉、炙甘草而衍生出经验方加味升陷饮,以加强升陷汤益气升陷、强心固脱、补肾培元、醒神除疲之功,用于治疗心肺疾病之大气下陷证,拓展了张氏升陷汤的应用范围.本文结合肺积术后悬饮、胸痹心痛、喘证三则验案,介绍了顾维超运用加味升陷饮治疗心肺疾病经验.



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