首页> 中文期刊> 《中国免疫学杂志》 >姜黄素抑制CD44+结肠癌细胞增殖的体外实验研究




Objective:To study confirm whether curcumin could inhibit the proliferation of CD44+colon cancer cells. In this study. Methods: MTT method was used to test the proliferation inhibition effects of curcumin against colon cancer cells. And Real-time PCR and Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) were used to determine CD44 expression level in colon cancer cells after treated with curcumin. Then we used Magnetic-activated cell sorting ( MACS) method to separate CD44 positive and negative cells. And we compared the proliferation inhibition effects of curcumin against these two kinds of cells. Results: Curcumin could inhibit the proliferation of HCT116 and HT-29 colon cancer cell lines. The expression level of CD44 could also be down-regulated after the colon cancer cells were treated with curcumin. Conclusion: Curcumin could inhibit the proliferation of CD44+colon cancer cells. Thus it was suggested that crcumin might have the effect to inhibit the proliferation of colon cancer stem cells and might be used as a promising agents to prevent the relapse and metastasis of colon cancer.%目的:探讨姜黄素能否抑制CD44+结肠癌细胞的增殖.方法:MTT法检测姜黄素处理的结肠癌细胞增殖情况,Real-time PCR检测姜黄素处理的结肠癌细胞CD44 mRNA的表达水平,流式细胞术检测姜黄素处理的结肠癌细胞表面CD44的表达水平,磁珠分选方法分离得到结肠癌细胞中CD44+细胞和CD44-细胞, MTT法观察姜黄素对两种细胞增殖情况的影响.结果:姜黄素可抑制结肠癌细胞HCT116和HT-29增殖,Real-time PCR和流式细胞术均证明姜黄素可导致结肠癌细胞CD44表达下调,磁珠分选方法获得CD44+的结肠癌细胞并应用姜黄素处理后,结果提示姜黄素可抑制CD44+细胞增殖.结论:姜黄素可通过抑制结肠癌肿瘤干细胞增殖而降低结肠癌复发和转移,有望成为结肠癌治疗的辅助性药物.



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