首页> 中文期刊> 《中国健康教育》 >江苏省无锡市卫生系统单位控烟现状调查




目的 了解江苏省无锡城区卫生系统单位的烟草流行和控烟状况,为实施盖茨中国控烟项目提供数据支持和科学依据.方法 以问卷方式对24家机关类单位和23家社区卫生服务机构的在岗员工分别进行全员调查.结果 总的吸烟率为16.25%,男、女吸烟率分别为45.08%和0.07%,二手烟暴露率为44.76%;吸烟员工在工作单位、在禁烟区域吸烟的分别占72.35%和58.94%,准备12个月以内(包括1个月内)戒烟的占36.31%;调查对象中认为医院、工作场所和本单位应室内禁烟的分别占98.14%、94.96%和94.14%,知晓本单位规定室内全面禁烟的占66.27%,希望本单位有更严格控烟规章的占87.15%.结论 47家目标单位员工的吸烟率,男、女性吸烟率和二手烟暴露率均低于全国总体水平,对烟草危害知识及单位室内禁烟规章的知晓率较低.%Objective To leam the prevalence of tobacco use and current tobacco control situation among health administrations in Wuxi' s urban areas, and to provide baseline information and scientific support for Wuxi' s Tobacco Free Cities-Gates China Tobacco Control program. Methods Questionnaire survey was conducted among all the staffs of 24 health administration departments and 23 community health service centers. Results The overall current smoking prevalence was 16. 25%. Current smoking prevalence among male and female staffs were 45. 08% and 0. 07% , respectively. 44. 76% of the staffs were exposed to second hand smoke. Among the smoking staffs, 72. 35% smoke in workplaces, and 58. 94% smoke in non-smoking areas. Only 36. 31% of the current smokers planed to quit smoking in 12 months. Among all the staffs, 98. 14% , 94. 96% and 94. 14% believed that hospitals, work sites and their own departments should ban smoking, respectively. In addition, 66. 27% of the staffs know the comprehensive tobacco control policy in their department, and 87. 15% of the staffs expected their department to implement a more strict tobacco control policy. Conclusion The surveyed health administration departments and health care institutes should develop, implement and enforce tobacco control policies. In addition, the publicity and training on tobacco control policy, smoking harms and tobacco control measures should be carried out in an effort to strengthen the tobacco control intervention in non-smoking areas, improve the supporting rate and sense of responsibility among staffs, and promote the construction of tobacco free institutes.



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