首页> 中文期刊>中国法医学杂志 >利用Identifiler分型系统推断同胞关系




目的 探讨自主开发的同胞关系鉴定自动分析软件(ASI)对ldentifiler分型系统进行同胞关系鉴定的可行性.方法 应用本课题组所开发的软件ASI,对151对同胞及31224对人工模拟拟无关个体进行Identifiler系统的15个常染色体STR基因座分型进行分析,计算亲权指数(PI)、同胞关系概率(W_ (FS))和等位基因匹配情况,所获数据进行统计分析,自动计算排序.结果 当W_ (FS)大于99.999%时,同胞个体占39.07%,无关个体占0%,两组具有显著差异,可以推断两个体同胞关系.当W_(FS)介于1%~99.999%范围内,同胞个体和无关个体有部分重叠,同胞个体占60.93%,无关个体占21.3%,两者具有一定差异,可以通过增加检测STR基因座,再结合案情加作Y-STR、mtDNA检测.以推断两个体是否具有同胞关系.当W_(FS)小于1%时,同胞个体占0%,无关个体占78.7%,可以推断两个体不具有同胞关系.个体间等位基因匹配结果表明:在检测Identifiler体系15个STR基因座时,当两个体常染色体STR基因座的全相同数目≥5时,或伞不同数目≤1时,提示为同胞关系;当两个体全不同数日≥6时,或伞相同数目≤1时.提示为无关个体,以此作为预测有无同胞关系的界值.结论 Identifiler系统及同胞关系鉴定自动分析软件ASI可用于推断同胞关系.%Objective To evaluate the probability of siblings identification in Identifiler system by using the software of automatic analysis.Methods Using the software of automatic analysis in siblings jdentification.STP genetic typing of 151 pairs of full siblings and 31224 pairs of unrelated individuals from manual simulation were analyzed in 15 STR loci of ldentifiler system.Results Kin probability(W_(FS))of 39.07% full siblings were more than 99.999% while W_(FS) of unrelated individual pairs were 0% .W_(FS) of 60.93% full siblings and 21.3% unrelated individual pairs were all at the range from 99.999% to 1% .W_(FS) of 78.7% unrelated individual pairs 0% full siblings individuals were less than 1% .Therefore,there were notability difference between full siblings and unrelated individual pairs.In addition,testing of 15 STR loci of Identifiler system,it suggested that the pair were siblings when the locus number of the entirely-same is not less than 5 or that of the entirely-different is not more than 1,and that the pair were unrelated individuals when the locus number of the entirely-different is not less than 6 or that of the entirely-8alne is not more than 1.Conclusion The software of automatic analysis and the Identifiler system call be used to siblings identification.



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