首页> 中文期刊>中国法医学杂志 >牛四核苷酸STR基因座的筛选和多态性分析




目的 筛选阴影带出现率低且多态性较高的牛四核苷酸STR基因座.方法 用Tandem repeats finder软件搜索牛基因组中的四核苷酸重复STR序列片段,用Primer Premier 5.0软件设计引物,然后扩增、电泳,筛选出符合要求的STR基因座,并对100份无关黄牛个体血样进行STR基因座分型.结果 共筛选出6个具有多态性的牛四核苷酸重复STR基因座(B006、11007、B008、11022、B025、11026),其100份无关黄牛个体血样的累积个体识别率和累积非父排除概率分别为0.99995和0.859591.结论 本研究筛选出的6个四核苷酸STR基因座阴影带出现率低且多态性较高,可用于牛的个体识别和亲子鉴定的研究.%Objective To screen the microsatellites with low occurrence rate of stutter band and establish the effective bovine STR typing system.Methods The tetranucleotide STR loci in bovine genome were searched with Tandem Repeat Finder software.Primers were designed and used to amplify these candidate loci and the PCR products were separated with electrophoresis.DNA samples from 100 head of unrelated cattle were typed.Results Among these candidate loci,6 bovine tetranucleotide STR loci showed high polymorphism,and their CDP and CPE value were 0.99995 and 0.859591 respectively.Conclusion The 6 bovine tetranucleotide STR loci can be used for bovine identification and parentage testing.



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