首页> 中文期刊> 《中国计划生育学杂志》 >山西省农村育龄妇女优生健康检查服务利用及需求调查




Objective; To explore the status of utilization and demand of preconception and prenatal care services among child-bearing women in rural Shanxi. Methods: A total of 1 978 women were recruited by a random cluster sampling and surveyed with a self-made questionnaire. Results; A total of 1 865 questionnaires were validated. The awareness rate of prenatal care knowledge was over 70%. Although 92.5% of the respondents insisted that it was necessary to have medical examination before pregnancy, in fact, only 39.7% did it. About 91.6% of the respondents had prenatal examination, of which 45.1% had ultrasound examination for more than 3 times. Most people wished to get more preconception and prenatal care services. Conclusion; The awareness rate of preconception and prenatal care knowledge is high among childbearing women in rural Shanxi, while the utilization rate of services is low, and there is a strong need for it.%目的:了解山西省农村育龄妇女优生健康检查服务利用与需求情况.方法:于2011年4月1日~5月31日采用随机整群抽样的方法,用自制结构式问卷进行人户调查.结果:共调查1 978名育龄妇女,收回有效问卷1865份.调查对象对优生保健相关知识的知晓率>70.0%,92.5%认为有必要做孕前检查,但实际参检率仅为39.7%;婚检率为6.2%;91.6%的调查对象都做过产前检查,平均产前检查4.2次,其中B超检查率为84.9%,做过≥3次者占45.7%,多数被调查妇女希望能够获得更多的优生保健服务.结论:山西省农村育龄妇女对优生保健知识的知晓率较高,优生保健服务利用情况不理想,优生保健服务需求较强烈.



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