首页> 中文期刊> 《中国计划生育学杂志》 >流动育龄妇女生殖健康均等化服务调查分析




目的:了解和分析流动育龄妇女生殖健康均等化服务的现状及存在的问题,为政府决策提供参考.方法:采用横断面调查的定量和面对面访谈的定性研究方法在长沙、杭州和惠州等3个城市进行调查.结果:①为流动妇女的定量调查,共发放调查问卷1230份,收回有效问卷1036份,问卷有效回收率84.2%.调查对象年龄31.5±8.1岁;文化程度以初高中为主,收入水平普遍较低.已婚调查对象政策知晓率为31.2%、免费避孕药具的获取率为32.9%;未婚调查对象政策知晓率为19.4%、免费避孕药具的获取率为11.9%.已婚调查对象获得免费盆腔B超检查、白带常规检查、乳腺检查、宫颈刮片检查者分别占34.4%、30.4%、24.9%、23.9%.②对计划生育工作者的访谈结果显示,政府制度较完善并致力于落实流动人口均等化服务,流动育龄妇女均可以免费享受国家规定的生殖健康公共服务.流动育龄妇女的生殖健康需求还有待掌握,其自我保健意识有待加强.结论:流动育龄妇女获取国家规定的生殖健康均等化服务现状不容乐观,特别是未婚妇女,各项生殖健康服务的获得率不高.%Objective:To understand and analyze the current situation and existed problems in equal services of reproductive health for migrant women with childbearing age,and to provide evidence for government decision-making.Methods:A cross-sectional study and face-to-face interview were adopted in this investigation.Results:(1) The results of quantitative study:a total of 1230 questionnaires were issued and 1036 valid questionnaires were collected.The rate of valid questionnaire was 84.2 %.The average age of subjects was (31.5 ±8.1) years old,but most of their education were at junior high school and high school level,and their economical income level were generally low.31.2% of married women and 19.4% unmarried women knew about the policy of equal reproductive health services.The rates of accessing to free contraceptives of married women and of unmarried women were 32.9 % and 11.9 %,respectively.The rates of married women had received a free pelvic ultrasound,test of vaginal discharge routine,breast examination,and cervical smear examination were 34.4%,30.4%,24.9% and 23.9%,respectively.(2) The results of qualitative study:the government system was fairly completed and committed to implement the equal reproductive health services for migrant women with childbearing age.All of migrant women with childbearing age could receive free comprehensive reproductive health services provided by the state.But the needs of reproductive health services of migrant women with childbearing age should be known further by government and their self-health consciousness should be strengthened.Conclusion:The current acquisition rate of free reproductive health services of migrant women with childbearing age is still low,especially for unmarried migrant women with childbearing age.



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