首页> 中文期刊>中国循证心血管医学杂志 >基于Citespace对单核细胞亚群在心血管疾病领域相关文献分析




Objective The present situation, hotspots and trends of monocyte subsets in the cardiovascular field were analyzed. Methods Using Web of Science Core Collection database as data source, the application of bibliometrics method, and with Citespace V software. The annual trends, the distribution of subjects, the distribution of national/institutional distribution, the distribution of journals, the distribution of authors and the key words in the study of monocyte subsets in the cardiovascular field were analyzed from 2004 to 2017. Results A total of 348 references were obtained, and the volume of publishing is on the rise. Journal articles were the most frequently occurring document type. In addition to cardiovascular disease and other related to peripheral vascular disease, blood, breathing related. The most productive country and institution in this field was the USA and Harvard University, respectively. The ATHEROSCLEROSIS was the most productive journal, and CIRCULATION was the journal cited most, which reflected the nature of the research. The author with the highest number of articles was Shantsila E, the author with the highest citation number was Swirski FK. The hot topics is subgroup-related cells, disease, type of study and its classification and function. The leading edge of research is cytokines, angiogenesis, marker expression, chemokines, predicting cardiovascular disease. Conclusion The results provide a new perspective for researchers to develop related topics in the future, potential collaborators and partner institutions, and research frontiers.%目的 分析近10余年单核细胞亚群在心血管领域的研究现状、热点及趋势.方法 以Web of Science Core Collection数据库为数据源,应用文献计量学方法,并借助Citespace V可视化分析软件,对2004~2017年心血管领域里单核细胞亚群的相关研究的年度发展趋势、学科领域分布、国家/机构分布、期刊分布、作者分布状况以及关键词进行分析.结果 纳入348篇SCI文章,年度发文以上升趋势为主,文献类型以期刊为主,学科除与心血管疾病相关外多与周围性血管疾病、血液、呼吸相关,最高产的国家与机构是美国和哈佛大学,载文量最多的期刊是ATHEROSCLEROSIS,被引频次最高的期刊是CIRCULATION,它反映研究本质,发文量最高的作者是Shantsila E,引文量最高的作者是Swirski FK,主要的研究热点是亚群相关细胞、病种、研究类型及其分类与功能的研究,研究前沿是细胞因子、血管新生、标志物表达、趋化因子、预测心血管疾病.结论 研究结果为研究人员今后开展相关课题提供了新的角度,潜在的合作者和合作机构以及研究前沿.



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