首页> 中文期刊> 《工程设计学报》 >典型工况下冲击破岩掘进机工作机构力学特性研究




为探究冲击破岩掘进机典型工况下工作机构的力学特征,发现其薄弱环节并提供改进依据,利用Pro/E软件建立其工作机构三维实体模型,根据冲击锤破岩的力学模型,采用应力波合成理论,并利用M atlab汇编语言求得冲击破岩的凿入力,使用ANSYS软件对工作机构冲击巷道顶部右肩角时两钎杆由不同步到同步破岩的过程进行有限元分析。研究表明:由不同步向同步工况转换过程中,两钎杆应力差、扭矩、扭转变形逐渐减小直至相等;摆动支座与动臂及举升油缸、摆动油缸铰接处,摇臂与动臂、动臂油缸铰点处有应力集中;摆动支座是工作机构薄弱环节,最大变形发生在锤头部;偏载作用导致钎头有明显变形,动臂应力危险区位于受偏载侧,对工作机构力学性能影响较大。%In order to explore mechanical characteristics of roadheader working mechanism for im-pacting and crushing rock under typical conditions ,then to find the weak link and to provide the basis for improvement ,a three-dimensional solid model of the working mechanism was estab-lished by means of Pro/E and a mechanical model of crushing rock of the impact hammer w as ex-ported ,a penetrable force of crushing rock was obtained according to the stress wave theory and assembly language of Matlab .The process of two drill rods crushing from nonsynchronous to synchronous was analyzed by using ANSYS when the working mechanism impacted on the top right corner of a tunnel .The research showed that the stress difference of two drill rods ,the torque and torsional deformation of working mechanism decreased gradually to the same during the process .The stress concentration appeared on the hinge of swing bearing ,boom and lifting-swinging cylinder ,also on the hinge spot of the rocker arm ,boom and boom-cylinder .The swing bearing was the weakness of the working mechanism ,and the maximum deformation happened on the head of hammer .T he offset loads leaded to the obvious deformation of drill bit ,and the dan-gerous zone of boom stress located on the offset load side ,which had a great influence on the me-chanical properties of the mechanism .



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