首页> 中文期刊> 《中国化学工程学报(英文版)》 >用于甲烷偶联的SrCe0.95Yb0.05O3-α中空纤维膜反应器建模




Proton-hole mixed conductor, SrCe0.95Yb0.05O3-α(SCYb), has the potential to be used as a mem-brane for dehydrogenation reactions such as methane coupling due to its high C2-selectivity and its simplicity forfabricating reactor systems. In addition, the mixed conducting membrane in the hollow fibre geometry is capable ofproviding high surface area per unit volume. In this study, mechanism of methane coupling reaction on the SCYbmembrane was proposed and the kinetic parameters were obtained by regression of experimental data. A math-ematical model describing the methane coupling in the SCYb hollow fibre membrane reactor was also developed.With this mathematical model, various operating conditions such as the operation mode, operation pressure andfeed concentrations affecting performance of the reactor were investigated. The simulation results show that thecocurrent flow in the reactor exhibits higher conversion of methane and higher yield of ethylene compared to thecountercurrent flow. In order to achieve the highest C2 yield, especially of ethylene, pure methane should be usedas feed and the operating pressure be 300kPa. Air can be used as the source of oxygen for the reaction and itsoptimum feed velocity is twice of the methane feed velocity. The air pressure in the lumen side should be kept thesame as or slightly lower than the pressure of shell side.



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