首页> 中文期刊> 《癌症》 >Outstanding young Chinese scholars making an impact in the US and China:a joint award program of the US Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and the US National Foundation for Cancer Research

Outstanding young Chinese scholars making an impact in the US and China:a joint award program of the US Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and the US National Foundation for Cancer Research



Chinese researchers and physicians are being increasingly recognized for their significant contributions to advancing biomedical research, including cancer research, in China and around the world.To facilitate and strengthen collaboration among cancer researchers and physicians in the United States and China, the US Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (USCACA) and the US National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) have established the USCACA-NFCR Scholar Exchange and Fellowship Program in basic, translational, and clinical studies.The goal of this joint scholar program is to recognize and reward research excellence by Chinese cancer researchers.Recipients are honored with the USCACA-NFCR Scholar Excellence Award for their achievements in cancer research performed while they were in the United States, as well as contributions to eradicating human cancers after their return to China.




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