首页> 中文期刊>中国中医基础医学杂志 >从中医虚痰瘀角度论治多囊卵巢综合征并发子宫内膜病变




现代医学认为多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndvome,PCOS)子宫内膜病变的关键因素是胰岛素抵抗.中医认为,PCOS子宫内膜病变的临床特点与痰瘀致病相吻合.通过从中医虚、痰、瘀角度研究PCOS子宫内膜病变,认为脾肾两虚是促成PCOS子宫内膜病变的病机根本,痰瘀互结是其病机核心.在治疗上应“补益脾肾,痰瘀同治”,同时配合中药治疗,在临床上往往取得显著疗效.应用中医“治未病”及“已病防变”的思想,为早期干预和改善PCOS子宫内膜病变提供重要的指导思想.%Modern medicine considers that the key factor of PCOS concurrent endometrial lesions is insulin resistance.Traditional Chinese Medicine considers that the clinical features of PCOS concurrent endometrial lesions coincide with phlegm and stasis pathogenic.By TCM deficiency,phlegm,blood stasis angle the PCOS concurrent endometrial lesions were studicd,spleen and kidney deficiency is the pathogenesis fundamental of PCOS concurrent endometrial lesions,and its pathogenesis core is phlegm.the treatment should benefit Spleen and kidney,theating phlegm and stasis together.At the same time clinically significant effect is often achieved with traditional Chinese medicine.Applying the Chinese medicine thoughts of "preventire treating disease"," disease prevention," to provide important guideline for early intervention and improve PCOS concurrent endometrial lesions.



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