首页> 中文期刊> 《中华麻醉学杂志》 >食管引流型喉罩间歇正压通气时头前屈位对气道密封压的影响



Objective To evaluate the influence of head anteflexion on airway sealing pressure during intermittent positive pressure ventilation(IPPV) with ProSeal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA) with an esophageal vent.Methods Fifty ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱ patients (20 males and 30 females), aged 18-51 ye are, weighing 50-70 kg and scheduled for elective plastic surgery under general anesthesia, were enrolled in this study. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 2 μg/kg, propofol 2 μg/kg and vecuromium 0.1 mg/kg. PLMA with an esophageal vent was inserted at 2 min after intravenous vecuronium injection.The airway sealing pressure, the anatomic position of the cuff and the efficacy of positive pressure ventilation were checked in the neutral and anteflexed head positions with the cuff deflated and inflated to an intracuff pressure of 60 cm H2 O, respectively.Results The lungs were better ventilated in the head anteflexion position than in the head neutral position whether the cuff was deflated or inflated. There was no significant difference in the volume of air required to achieve an intracuff pressure of 60 cm H2O between the two head positions ( P> 0.05). The airway seating pressure increased from (27 ± 6) cm H2O in the head neutral position to (33 ± 6) cm H2O in the head anteflexion position, with no significant difference between them ( P> 0.05). The expired tidal volume and the peak inspiratory pressure during IPPV were (496 ± 81 ) ml and (14.3 ± 1.9) cm H2O respectively in the head neutral position and (496 ± 81 ) ml and ( 14.5 ± 2.1 )cm H2O respectively in the head anteflexion position.Conclusion Head anteflexion can significantly improve airway sealing but does not affect the anatomic position of the cuff.Appropriate head anteflexion is a simple and effective way to improve IPPV when the airway sealing pressure is inadequate in the head neutral position.



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