首页> 中文期刊> 《解剖学杂志》 >小鼠后肾发育中胞葬体的超微结构




Objective: To observe the ultrastructures of efferosomes during metanephric development in mice. Methods: Light and electron microscopy were used in this study. Results: Efferosome was consisted of two layer membranes containing shrinkage cytoplasm and pyknotic nucleus. Three stages of efferosome could be divided according to ultrastructure appearance during their development (stage Ⅰ, stage Ⅱ and stage Ⅲ). Apoptotic cells or body and small vesicles were enveloped by two layers of plasma membrane in stage Ⅰ. Degested cytoplasm and pieces of pyknotic nucleus were principle components in stage Ⅱ. Disappeared cytoplasm and digested nucleus were only found in stage Ⅲ, which were also called efferolysosomes. Efferosomes in varied sizes and number could be found in the cytoplasm of each type cells in the developing kidney. Conclusion: Each type of metanephric cells had a stronger ability of efferocytosis and treated the apoptotic corpses predominantly by the ability during metanephric development%目的:对后肾发育过程中所出现的胞葬体超微结构进行观察.方法:应用透射电子显微镜技术观察不同胚龄小鼠的后肾内各种胞葬体表现.结果:胞葬体是后肾细胞胞葬体凋亡细胞或小体形成,由双层膜包裹皱缩细胞质和固缩染色质所组成.形态上胞葬体可分3个阶段:Ⅰ阶段胞葬体可分辨双层膜包裹着新产生的凋亡细胞或凋亡小体,表面可有小泡结构附着;Ⅱ阶段胞葬体细胞质变松散,细胞器浑浊破碎甚至消失,核或核碎块被消化呈松散细沙样结构;Ⅲ阶段胞葬体细胞器消失,染色质松散呈絮状,形成胞葬溶酶体.后肾内间质细胞,输尿管芽细胞以及发育中肾单位内各种细胞都具有很强胞葬凋亡细胞能力.结论:胞葬体是后肾发育时期凋亡细胞尸骸被处理的结构形式.发育中后肾内各种细胞均具有很强的胞葬能力且是处理凋亡细胞的主力.



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