首页> 中文期刊> 《中国农业资源与区划》 >农民发展权综合评价指数模型的构建及实证分析




The development right of Chinese farmers is a basic human right to promote and share the economic, social, cultural and political development process and results.But the right is not highly accepted by scholars and the public because of abstract concept.Building the comprehensive index evaluation model of farmer rights can help fulfil the right.This paper constructed the index system of farmers′ right to development using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), weighed each intermediary index with the help of group decision-making model of hierarchical analysis software, and then measured the farmer′s right.The results showed that the farmer right had not been improved in ten years.The right gap between urban and rural areas showed an increasing trend.The farmer′s political right was short, which was the root of the protection of farmer′s right.To promote the development of farmer′s right, it suggested that it should give farmers more opportunity, and more financial capital investment, which can reduce the development difference between village and town.%[目的]中国农民发展权是农民拥有的公平参与促进经济、社会、文化和政治发展过程并公平分享发展成果的基本人权.但由于涉及权利,概念抽象,学者和公众关注度不高,因此,对农民发展权进行分解,并进行指标数据量化并计算结果,是一个不错的、方便民众了解该权利,并对该权利实现结果有一个整体判断的途径.[方法]运用层次分析法构建农民发展权综合评价指数模型,具体有3个步骤:第一,解析农民发展权内容、构造农民发展权指标体系.第二,借助层次分析软件中的群决策工具完成农民发展权各个中间层指标的赋权.第三,运用该模型,对中国农民发展权进行测度.[结果]从指标值和发展权计算结果看,近10年农民相对市民的发展权不足一半,且并未有所改善.单看农民发展结果类指标数值城乡差距有增大趋势.从农民发展权构成看,政治发展权是短板.[结论]近10年农民发展权处于弱势且未得到保障.政治发展权的短板是农民发展权未得到保障的根源.给予农民更多话语权,财政资金的投入向农民更多倾斜,只有这样才可能降低现有的农民和市民发展结果的差异.



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