首页> 中文期刊> 《中国园艺文摘》 >玉林市城区道路绿化树种调查及配置模式研究




In this paper the necessity for urban road planting construction of Yulin city and the target of Yulin City ’s greening pattern of“the city in the forest, the road in the green, the room in the garden, people in the scene“were elaborated. Investigation and preparation by screening based on life form, the main ornamental characters, growth status, configuration mode of urban road greening tree species were done. According to Yulin’s development scale and road greening status, this paper explored the reasonable countermeasures for tree species selection and configuration of the greening of Yulin city in order to provide scientific basis for Guangxi and even the national city road greening.%  以玉林市城区道路绿化建设的必要性为出发点,以打造玉林市“城在林中,路在绿中,房在园中,人在景中”的绿化格局为目标,通过对城区道路绿化树种生活型、主要观赏特性、生长状况、配置方式等方面进行系统调查及筛选,结合玉林的发展规模和道路绿化状况,探索出对玉林市绿化树种选择及配置的合理对策,以期为广西乃至全国的城市道路绿化提供科学依据。



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