首页> 中文期刊>中国全科医学 >深圳市宝安区社区健康服务运行机制改革实践及成效分析



Objective To analyze the practice and effectiveness of the operational mechanism reform of community health services in Bao'an District of Shenzhen. Methods A pilot reform of the the operational mechanism of community health services was carried out in Bao'an District. and the comprehensively evaluation was completed by a third party. Results Remarkable outcomes have heen achieved after after the reform. For example , the management mechanism achieved fundamental breakthrough , the quality of health technical personnel was markedly improved, and a balance between the revenues and expenditures was achieved. The incomes of healthcare staff was increased, the working environment was improved, the public health services were properly delivered, and the satisfactions of community residents and medical staff dramatically rose. Conclusion The implementation of the operational mechanism reform of community health services promotes the sustainable development of community health services. More efforts should be made to deepen the reform of community health service system, so as to gradually establish independent health service systems.%目的 分析深圳市宝安区社区卫生服务运行机制改革的做法与成效,为社区卫生服务体系建设的可持续发展提供有益的意见和建议.方法 采用现场实验性研究方法进行改革试点,综合评价由第三方完成.结果 宝安区社区卫生服务运行机制改革取得显著成效,如管理体制实现根本性突破,卫技人员素质水平明显提高,实现了收支平衡,提高了员工的收入水平,改善了工作环境,公共卫生服务工作得到较好落实,居民和员工满意度大幅度提升.结论 通过深入开展社区卫生服务运行机制改革,可以保障社区卫生服务的可持续发展,应不断创造条件深入推进深圳市社区卫生服务运行机制的改革工作,逐步建立独立的社区卫生服务体系.



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