首页> 中文期刊> 《中国全科医学》 >团队项目教学法在全科医学概论教学中的应用与探讨



To investigate the application of team project teaching method in the teaching of the basic principles of general practice. Methods A questionnaire - based survey was performed in 98 medical students majoring in clinical medicine who had experienced the team project teaching method in the learning of basic principles of general practice. Results Of the 98 students, 80 ( 81. 6% ) took an active part in the project, 63 ( 64. 3% ) were equal to team roles, 90 ( 91. 8% ) could take the initiative to communicate with others, 59 ( 60. 2% ) thought the team leader did well in project planning and team management, 81 ( 82. 1% ) believed that the project could satisfy the teaching goals, 89 ( 90. 8% ) believed the teacher had provided necessary guidance. Conclusion Team project teaching method improves medical students'career aspiration to becoming a general practitioner and their professional quality, and promotes teachers' professional competence and standard of teaching%目的 了解团队项目教学法在全科医学概论教学中对医学生全科医疗职业能力培养的影响.方法 对2010级、2011级临床医学专业2个班共98名学生进行全科医学概论团队项目教学的尝试,并采用问卷进行调查.结果 有81.6%(80/98)的学生积极参与团队项目教学;64.3%(63/98)的学生认为自己能够胜任团队角色,91.8%(90/98)的学生能主动相互交流,60.2%(59/98)的学生认为团队长在项目策划与团队管理方面做得较好;82.7%(81/98)的学生认为项目内容符合教学需要;90.8%(89/98)的学生认为教师起到了指导作用.结论 团队项目教学法有助于医学生全科医生职业志向及职业素质的培养,有助于提高教师的专业能力与教学水平.



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