首页> 中文期刊>中国全科医学 >中国社区中的心理健康案例研究(二十)--女性性功能障碍



性功能障碍是指不能进行正常的性行为,或在正常的性行为中不能获得满足。性功能障碍多数没有器质性病变,也就是说性器官没有异常或病变,而是因为心理因素造成的。本文报道1例37岁的女性患者近1年来与外遇对象发生性关系时难以出现阴道湿润致性生活无法维持满意程度的心理治疗过程,以期提高社区医生应用多种心理咨询与治疗方法的能力。%Sexual dysfunction is the inability to have normal sexual behavior, or needs in normal sexual behavior cannot be met.Most sexual dysfunction has no organic disease, that is to say there is no abnormality or lesion in sexual organs, but because of psychological factors.The paper reports the psychological treatment process for nearly a year of a 37-year-old female patient, being difficult to be moist in vaginal when having sex with her lover and unable to maintain her sexual life at a satisfactory level, and hopes to improve the ability of community physicians in applying a variety of psychological counseling and psychotherapy methods.



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