首页> 中文期刊> 《中国科技论文》 >有机蛭石与纳米二氧化钛复配改性沥青的抗老化性能研究




研究了有机蛭石与纳米T iO2复配改性剂对沥青物理性能和流变性能的影响,并分析不同老化方式下复配改性剂对沥青抗老化性能的改善效果。结果表明,复配改性剂对沥青的物理性能和流变性能影响较小。复配改性剂的加入可以达到同时改善沥青耐热氧和紫外光老化性能的目的,但是改善效果受复配掺量的影响较大,不同掺量的复配改性剂对沥青的短期和长期热氧老化性能都有改善效果,而耐紫外光老化性能的改善只在特定的复配改性剂掺量下才能体现。综合热氧老化和紫外光老化性能数据,复配改性剂的最佳掺量为1%的有机蛭石和3%的纳米T iO2。%Effect of organic vermiculite and nano‐TiO2 on the physical and rheological properties of bitumen was investigated in this study .The improvement of anti‐aging properties of modified bitumen was analyzed using different aging methods .The re‐sults showed that the effect of the complex modifiers on the physical and rheological of bitumen is limited .Both heat aging resist‐ance and ultraviolet aging resistance can be improved by the complex modifiers ,however the improvements strongly depended on the content of complex modifiers .Specifically ,different contents of the modifiers all can improve short‐term and long‐term ther‐mal oxidation aging resistance .However ,the improvement of ultraviolet aging resistance property can only be shown by adding specific content of complex modifiers .Based on the integrated thermal aging and UV aging performance data ,the best content of modifier was determined to be 1% organic vermiculite and 3% nano‐TiO2 .



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