首页> 中文期刊>中国药房 >不同剂量枸橼酸舒芬太尼对克鲁宗综合征颅面重建术患儿镇痛效果的影响




目的:探讨不同剂量枸橼酸舒芬太尼对克鲁宗综合征患儿颅面重建术的血流动力学指标和应激性反应指标的影响。方法:选择2010年1月-2016年1月在我院接受治疗的60例克鲁宗综合征需行颅面重建术的患儿,按照随机数字表法分为A组、B组和C组,各20例。3组患儿行麻醉诱导后,泵注丙泊酚注射液4~8 mg/(kg·h)+枸橼酸舒芬太尼注射液[A组0.3μg/(kg·h),泵注;B组0.6μg/(kg·h),泵注;C组1.0μg/kg,iv,0.5 h/次]维持麻醉深度,间隔40 min给予注射用苯磺顺阿曲库铵0.1 mg/kg,iv,于手术结束前5 min停止给药。观察3组患儿不同时刻的血流动力学指标[动脉压(MAP)和心率(HR)]、应激性反应指标[促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)和皮质醇],以及不良反应发生情况。结果:C组患儿切皮后5 min、手术后1 h、手术结束即刻的MAP均明显高于麻醉前,B组患儿同时刻MAP明显低于C组患儿;A组患儿手术后1 h和C组患儿切皮后5 min、手术后1 h的HR明显高于其麻醉前, B组患儿手术后1 h的HR明显低于A组患儿,且切皮后5 min、手术后1 h的HR明显低于C组患儿;3组患儿切皮后5 min、手术后1 h、手术结束即刻的ACTH水平均明显高于麻醉前,B组患儿切皮后5 min、手术后1 h、手术结束即刻的ACTH水平均明显低于A组和C组患儿,A组患儿同时刻明显低于C组患儿;A组患儿手术后1 h和C组患儿切皮后5 min、手术后1 h、手术结束即刻的皮质醇水平明显高于麻醉前,B组患儿手术后1 h的皮质醇水平明显低于A组患儿,A组患儿切皮后5 min、手术结束即刻的皮质醇水平和B组患儿切皮后5 min、手术后1 h、手术结束即刻均明显低于C组患儿,以上比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。3组患儿麻醉期间均未见明显不良反应发生。结论:泵注枸橼酸舒芬太尼0.6μg/(kg·h)维持小儿克鲁宗综合征颅面重建术的麻醉深度,患儿血流动力学稳定,可有效抑制术中应激性反应,且安全性高。%OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of different doses of sufentanil citrate on hemodynamic indexes and stress response indexes of Crouzon syndrome children with craniofacial reconstruction. METHODS:60 cases of Crouzon syndrome under-going craniofacial reconstruction were selected from our hospital during Jan. 2010-Jan. 2016,and then randomly divided into group A,group B and group C,with 20 cases in each group. 3 groups were given pump injection of Propofol injection 4-8 mg/(kg·h)for anesthesia induction+Sufentanil citrate injection [group A 0.3 μg/(kg·h),pump injection;group B 0.6 μg/(kg·h),pump injection;group C 1.0 μg/kg,iv,0.5 h/time] for anesthesia maintenance, Cisatracurium besilate for injection 0.1 mg/kg,iv,every 40 min, drug withdrawal 5 min before the end of surgery. The hemodynamic indexes(MAP,HR)and stress response indexes(ACTH,cor-tisol)were observed in 3 groups at different time points as well as the occurrence of ADR. RESULTS:MAP levels of group C at 5 min after skin incision,1 h after operation and immediately at the end of surgery were significantly higher than before anesthesia, while those of group B were significantly higher than group C at same time points. HR of group A at 1 h after surgery and that of group B at 5 min after skin incision and 1 h after surgery were significantly higher than before anesthesias;HR of group B at 1 h after surgery was significantly lower than that of group A,and its HR at 5 min after skin incision and 1 h after surgery were signifi-cantly lower than those of group C. ACTH levels of 3 groups at 5 min after skin incision,1 h after surgery and immediately after the end of surgery were significantly higher than before anesthesia. ACTH levels of group B at 5 min after skin incision,1 h after surgery and immediately after the end of surgery were significantly lower than those of group A and C,and the group A was signifi-cantly lower than the group C at same time points. Cortisol levels of group A at 1 h after surgery,and those of group C at 5 min af-ter skin incision,1 h after surgery and immediately after the end of surgery were significantly higher than before anesthesia. Corti-sol levels of group B at 1 h after surgery were significantly lower than those of group A;cortisol levels of group A at 5 min after skin incision and immediately after the end of surgery and those of group B at 5 min after skin incision,1 h after surgery and imme-diately after the end of surgery were all significantly lower than those of group C. There were statistical significance all above(P<0.05). No obvious ADR was found in 3 groups. CONCLU-SIONS:Pump injection of sufentanil citrate 0.6 μg/(kg·h) can maintain analgesic effect of Crouzon syndrome children with craniofacial reconstruction,can keep hemodynamics sta-ble and effectively inhibit stress response during surgery with good safety.



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