首页> 中文期刊> 《石油机械》 >多功能抽汲车的研制与试验




为了克服轮式自背井架抽汲车在现场应用中存在的不足,研制了多功能抽汲车,并在新疆油田进行了现场试验.多功能抽汲车井架为分段式桁架结构,可一次性倒车至井口预定位置,井架上设计有折叠工作台,用于作业时拆装和检查抽汲工具.现场应用结果表明:该车可在井口进行常规抽汲作业,也可在远离井口的位置进行原钻机抽汲,能采集和显示抽汲参数;自动排绳器的应用有效降低了工人的劳动强度.所得结论可为多功能抽汲车的进一步优化和现场应用提供参考.%To address the shortcomings of wheeled truck-mounted derrick for swabbing in field applications,a multi-function swabbing truck was developed and field tests were conducted in Xinjiang Oilfield.The multi-functiontruck mast is a sectional truss structure.The truck can be back off to a predetermined position at the wellhead.The mast is designed with a folding worktable for rig-up and rig-down and inspecting swabbing tools during operation.The on-site application showed that the truck can perform conventional swabbing operation at the wellhead,and can also perform original on-site rig swabbing at positions far from the wellhead.Swabbing parameters are collected and displayed during the operation.The application of automatic rope guider could effectively reduce the labor intensity.The study could provide references for further optimization and field application of multi-function swabbing truck.



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