首页> 中文期刊>中国矿业 >乌兰煤矿地面钻孔式避难硐室的设计研究




为了提高煤矿抗灾变能力,减少因矿难事故造成的损失,改善煤矿的安全防护水平,本文以乌兰煤矿为现场背景,设计了乌兰煤矿地面钻孔供氧式避难硐室.根据乌兰煤矿的实际,确定了避难硐室的合理位置、避难硐室的规模尺寸及相应的支护方式.此外,避难硐室设置9大系统,以保障避难硐室内人员的生存和设备的正常运行.乌兰煤矿井下地面钻孔式永久避难硐室的设计与建设,可为灾后井下无法撤离的遇险人员提供一个安全的空间,创造基本的生存条件,对实现科学、有序、有效救援有重要的作用.%In order to improve the anti disaster capability,raise the level of security and defense of coal mine and reduce the loss caused by coal mine accidents, this paper took Wulan coal mine for study background,according to the refuge chamber layout principle, designed the refuge chamber with oxygen supply by ground drilling hole. According to actual situation of Wulan coal mine, the refuge chamber rational position,scale,size and corresponding support method were determined. Besides,the refuge chamber includes totally 9 systems in order to guarantee existence of people and normal operation of appliances in the chamber. The design and construction of the permanent refuge chamber in the underground in Wulan coal mine can provide a safe airtight space and create the basic living conditions for personnel in distresses who couldn't evacuate after the disaster, which plays a key role in the implementation of scientific, orderly and effective rescue.



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