首页> 中文期刊>中国矿业 >新常态下我国资源勘探领域科技创新策略思考




经济发展"新常态"背景下,我国资源勘探这一传统行业的发展面临新的机遇和挑战.为应对资源供需矛盾,面对勘探深度和难度的提高、勘查投资下降和人才队伍结构待优化等诸多不利因素,我国资源的勘查增储必须坚持"拓浅攻深,降本增效"的发展方向,而科技创新是贯彻这一发展主线的重要保障.在科技攻关方面,我国现阶段仍需不断发展面向深部资源储备的成矿成藏理论,提高勘探技术装备的自主研发能力和实用化水平.在科技管理方面,管理理念需从研发管理为主转向覆盖科技创新全要素的创新管理.知识创新、技术创新和管理创新共同发力,才能使科技更好地服务我国资源勘探行业的可持续发展,为保障国家资源安全提供支撑.%As one of the traditional industries,resources exploration is now facing new development opportunities and challenges in the context of new normal.While showing critical importance in mitigating the contradiction between resource supply and demand in China,the resources exploration industry is challenged by some emerging constraints,such as rising exploration depth and risks,shrinking investment and inadequate professionals.At present,it's essential for China's resources exploration industry to stick to the development trend featured as exploring potentials from the shallow to the deep while lowering the cost and increasing the benefit.Science and technology (S&T) innovation is considered as a fundamental guarantee for realising this development method.In the aspect of research and development (R&D),more attention should be paid in developing metallogenic theory and hydrocarbon reservoir theory.Meanwhile,it's of great importance for China to strengthen its own innovation capacity in developing practical exploration technologies and equipment.In the aspect of S&T management,the work concept should be transferred from purely project management to innovation management,which covers all innovation elements.With the combination of knowledge,technology and management innovations,S&T could effectively promote the security of resources supply as well as support the sustainable development of China's resources exploration industry.



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