首页> 中文期刊>中国矿业 >低瓦斯煤层工作面高位瓦斯钻孔抽采技术应用实践




上隅角瓦斯超限或瓦斯异常涌出多发生于高瓦斯煤层工作面,屯宝煤矿M5煤层相对瓦斯涌出量只有2.93 m3/t,但受邻近层开采及采空区遗煤影响,工作面在回采过程中多次发生上隅角瓦斯超限事故,给生产带来严重影响.为彻底解决工作面瓦斯灾害隐患,结合矿井生产实际,对1153综放工作面煤层瓦斯抽采难易程度进行了评价,明确了对工作面采空区进行瓦斯抽采的必要性和可行性,提出了高位钻孔法与采空区埋管法两种采空区瓦斯抽采方法.通过技术和经济比较,确定对采空区瓦斯实施高位钻孔抽采技术方案.经过现场实践,抽采管路内瓦斯浓度稳定,上隅角未再发生瓦斯超限事故,说明该地质条件下抽采钻孔参数科学、合理,利用高位钻孔抽采采空区瓦斯是治理矿井瓦斯的有效技术措施.%Disallowed gas concentration or abnormal emission at top corner often occurred in high gas working face.The relative gas emission was only 2.93 m3/t of TunBao coal mine M5 coal seam,because of the affection of adjacent coal seams and left coal in the gob,the disallowed gas concentration accident occurred several times during the coal production at the working face top corner and result in serious consequences.In order to completely solute the gas hazards problems,and considered the actual situation of the coal mine,the feasibility of gas extraction of 1153 fully mechanized top coal caving working face was evaluated,the necessity and feasibility of gas drainage of the gob were determined.Two technical methods (high-level borehole method and underground pipe method of gob gas suction) were proposed,after technical and economic comparison,high-level borehole gas suction was determined.According to field practices,the gas concentration in the pipeline was stable,disallowed gas concentration accidents no longer happened.The parameters of the gas drainage in the gob under such kinds of the geological conditions were scientific and reasonable,it's effective technical measures to control the mine gas by high level drilling gas drainage.



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