首页> 中文期刊>中国医药导报 >抗-M抗体致交叉配血不合1例




目的:对1例由于抗-M抗体导致交叉配血不合的情况进行临床检验和分析.方法:首先对患者进行直接抗人球蛋白试验,然后进行ABO血型系统、Rh血型系统、MNS血型系统血型鉴定,接着通过谱细胞对患者血清进行不规则抗体的筛选,最后通过吸收放散反应对抗-M抗体进行确证.结果:直接抗人球蛋白试验为阴性,血型为A型、Rh(+)、NN,导致凝聚胺交叉配血主侧凝聚的原因是存在不规则抗体,即抗-M抗体.结论:在临床工作中应该对不规则抗体的情况进行鉴别.对于交叉配血不合的结果,应该高度怀疑不规则抗体的存在,以避免溶血性输血反应的发生.%Objective: To perform clinical test and analysis of one case of cross matching incompatibility induced by antiM antibody. Methods: Firstly the direct antiglobulin test was conducted, then ABO blood type, Rh blood type and MNS blood type were used to detect for patients. Serum irregular antibodies were detected through panel cells. Finally anti-M antibody was identified by absorption-release experiment. Results: Direct antiglobulin test result was negative and blood type was A, Rh(+) and NN. The main cause of cross matching failure was identified to be the existence of irregular antibody, that was the anti-M antibody. Conclusion: We should identify the irregular antibody in clinical practice. When cross matching fails, we should highly suspect existence of irregular antibody in order to avoid hemolytic transfusion reactions.



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