首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医药导报》 >膝关节骨性关节炎的非手术综合治疗概况




The knee joint bones due to the long wear, ligamentous laxity, the joint instability, joint inside and outside the organization are also prone to fibrous adhesions. Strength decline at the same time, the effect of gravity, knee artic-ular cartilage destruction also below, hyperplastic change in bone and cartilage tissue, formation of bone spurs, articu-lar cavity gap Narrows, bone spurs to stimulate the surrounding tissue, oppressive nerve, blood vessel, will feel pain. In view of the above characteristics of the treatment with Chinese medicine, western medicine, combining Chinese and western medicine, surgery, and comprehensive treatment to slow disease progression, alleviate the clinical symptoms of patients.%膝关节诸骨由于长年磨损,周围韧带松弛,致使关节不稳定,关节内外组织容易发生纤维性粘连。同时肌力的下降,重力的作用,膝关节上下关节面的软骨也遭到破坏,骨与软骨组织发生增生性改变,形成骨刺,关节腔间隙变窄,骨刺刺激周围组织,压迫神经、血管,就会感觉疼痛不适。针对上述特征治疗多采用中医、西医、中西医结合、手术及综合治疗来延缓病情发展、缓解患者的临床症状。



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