首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学装备》 >牦牛胎盘粉对小鼠免疫脏器的影响




目的:通过牦牛胎盘粉对小鼠免疫脏器影响的研究,探讨牦牛胎盘粉的药用价值,为进一步开发和利用牦牛胎盘提供理论依据。方法:采取健康牦牛的成熟胎盘,加工成胎盘粉,连续灌服小白鼠25d后,观察它们免疫学方面的变化。结果:试验结果表明在相同的饲养条件下,试验小鼠连续灌服牦牛胎盘粉、人胎盘粉25d后与对照组相比免疫器官胸腺、脾脏的重量、K值有明显变化(P〈0.05)。且牦牛胎盘组和人胎盘组的胸腺皮质部较对照组的明显增厚,脾脏脾小梁周围脾窦增宽,有大量成熟淋巴细胞,脾小结也较对照组的明显。结论:小鼠服用牦牛胎盘粉与人胎%Objective: To study the effect of yak placenta powder on immune organ of mice to explore the medicinal value of yak placenta powder to provide theoretical basis for the further development and use of the yak placenta. Methods: The mature placenta extracted from healthy yak was processed into powder. Then the powder was, fed in mice continuously for 25 d, The immunological changes of immune organs in mice were observed. Results: Under the same feeding conditions, there were significant changes ( P0.05) in the weight of thymus and spleen, K value, the thymic cortex thickness, diameter of splenic sinus around the splenic trabecula between the experimental group and control group. There was larger number of mature lymphocytes in the experimental group and splenic nodule showed more apparent than that of the control group. Conclusion: Administration of yak placenta powder has the same biological effect as that of human placenta powder in the mice.



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