首页> 中文期刊>中国医学装备 >狭窄空间气体中毒急救药品数据库的构建




目的:探讨狭窄空间气体中毒急救药品库的构建及其数字化管理数据库的需求分析和设计方案,规范急救用药,提高基层单位气体中毒伤者的救治水平,完善救治预案。方法:该系统拟采用浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式,按照现有救灾和突发公共事件处置标准、急救流程和预案,设计狭窄空间气体中毒急救药品库架构图,探讨狭窄空间气体中毒急救药品库数字化管理等,并制成数据库软件单机操作光盘。结果:所构建狭窄空间气体中毒急救药品库数据库设计方案符合需求,有毒、有害气体中毒救治机制科学合理,数字化管理技术设计方案规范可行。结论:探讨狭窄空间气体中毒急救药品库的构建和数字化管理,可对研究此类中毒事故救灾和突发公共事件处置具有一定借鉴意义。%Objective:To discuss the construction of the emergency pharmacy warehouses in the confined space with Toxic or harmful gases and its database on needs analysis and design scheme of digital management, in order to standardize the emergency medicine, and improve the level of gas poisoning treatment of the wounded level, and improve the treatment plan.Methods: To adopte the browser/Server(B/S)mode, and build a toxic or harmful gases emergency pharmacy warehouses of the confined space by the standards emergency relief and public emergency disposal process plan. Design of narrow space gas poisoning emergency pharmacy warehouses architecture diagram on the basis of the Toxic or harmful gases emergency pharmacy warehouses digital management in the confined space etc, and can be made into database software stand-alone operation CD.Results: This paper discusses the construction of the database design conforms to the requirements in the confined space on toxic or harmful gases emergency pharmacy warehouses. The toxic or harmful gases poisoning treatment reasoning mechanism is scientific and reasonable. The digital tube technology design scheme is feasible.Conclusion:This article probes into the construction of the emergency pharmacy warehouses of toxic or harmful gases in the confined space and the digital management may be has certain reference significance to study such poisoning accident disaster relief and public emergency disposal.



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