首页> 中文期刊>中国医学教育技术 >基于Web3.0的RSS订阅平台在文献跟踪过程中的应用




RSS作为Web 3.0时代最重要的技术之一,因其高度准确性、动态聚合机制和服务的个性化、主动性等特点成为当前网络信息最重要的检索技术,且已经被国内外各数据库、网络期刊及图书情报机构等用于其信息的传播.文章调查了当前高校图书馆及研究生对RSS订阅平台的认识度和使用情况,结合RSS订阅平台在国内外学术期刊数据库中的应用现状及不同RSS feeds源链接地址的呈现方式,介绍了利用RSS平台的个性化“聚合”特性订阅和跟踪相关学科最新研究进展的操作过程,同时讨论了RSS技术在学术信息跟踪应用中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议.%As one of the most important technologies in Web 3.0 age,RSS has become one of the most important network information retrieval techniques for its great accuracy,dynamic syndication mechanism,and personalized and active service.It has been applied to transmit information by domestic and overseas databases,online journals,and intelligence agencies.We conducted a surveyed on the understanding and using condition of RSS among university libraries and graduate students.By relating to current application situation of the RSS subscription platform in domestic and overseas periodical databases and display mode of RSS feeds source interlinkage addresses,the paper introduces how to apply the syndication characteristic of the Web 3.0-based RSS subscription platform to subscribe to and track the latest research advancements of related disciplines.It also discusses problems of RSS technology applied in academic information tracking and proposes corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.



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