首页> 中文期刊>中国医疗设备 >基于丝传动技术的乳腺X射线诊断设备的C形臂回转结构设计




本文针对乳腺X射线诊断设备提出了一种基于丝传动技术的C形臂回转结构。该结构采用具有蜗轮蜗杆减速器的直流电机实现成像托盘等轴回转,通过电磁制动器实现C形臂与成像托盘的整体回转和C形臂独立回转两种模式的切换。丝传动系统中,钢丝绳始终在所需预紧力状态下运行。在对钢丝绳进行调节的过程中,该结构采用三级固定及粗细调结合的调节方式,可确保系统的安全性能,提高系统的调节精度,使得系统结构紧凑,易于安装调节。该结构相较于传统的C臂回转传动机构,具有结构紧凑、传动简单、效率高等优点。%A C-arm-swinging structure is proposed in this paper for the mammography X-ray diagnostic equipment based on the wire transmission. The DC (Direct Current) motor with a worm gear speed reducer is deployed in this structure so as to realize shaft rotation of imaging trays. Moreover, the electromagnetic brake is used to make a switchover between the overall swinging of the C-arm and imaging trays and the independent swinging of the C-arm. The wire rope is always running at the state of desired preload in the wire drive system. Since combination of three-level ifxation and rough and ifne adjustment are applied in the structure, which ensures the safe performance and raises the adjustment accuracy of the system. As a consequence, this system has become tightly-structured and easy-to-adjust. The structure has demonstrated its advantages in the tightened structure, simple drive and high efifciency over conventional C-arms.



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