首页> 中文期刊>中国锰业 >锰系铁合金清洁生产技术




Cleaner Production in Mn ferroalloy covers the saving energy, reducing consumption, the resources use, occupational health and friendly environment, etc. The usage of advanced ferro - manganese production technology will improve manganese elements which can not only make full use of resources, but also can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This paper introduces the electric furnace femn in dry gas recovery, including furnace charge energy of saving technologies, such as hot charging. Through the advanced technology, it can greatly reduce the energy consumption and the flue gas emissions. It points out that we must pay attention to professional ferromanganese production of health problems in concrete measures.%锰系铁合金的清洁生产包括节能降耗、资源利用、职业健康和环境友好等内容.采用先进的锰铁生产工艺提高锰元素回收率不仅可以充分利用资源,还可以减少温室气体排放.本文介绍了锰铁电炉干法煤气回收、炉料热装等节能技术.通过采用这些先进技术大幅度降低能耗,减少烟气排放.文章指出锰铁生产中必须关注职业健康问题,并提出具体措施.



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