首页> 中文期刊> 《中国土地科学》 >试论土地工程学




The purpose of this paper is to promote the Land Engineering Science and improve the discipline system of land science. Methods of theoretical analysis and literature retrieval were employed. The research results are as follows: 1) land engineering science takes no-use land, under-use land, damaged land, degraded land and polluted land as the objects of study. The main targets are increasing amount of land use, upgrading land use efficiency, improving environment and achieving the harmonious human-land relation as well as sustainable land utilization; 2) land engineering science can be regarded as the secondary discipline of land science; 3) soil reconstruction is the core theory of land engineering science; 4) application technologies of land engineering science are consisted of investigation and evaluation of land resources that remain to be consolidated, land engineering planning and design, land engineering technology and process and so on.%研究目的:推进土地工程学科的发展,完善土地科学的学科体系.研究方法:理论分析法、文献检索法.研究结果:(1)土地工程学是以未利用、未合理利用、损毁的土地和退化与污染的土地作为研究对象,以增加利用土地数量、提高土地利用率与产出率、改善环境(条件)、实现人地关系的协调和可持续利用为目标;(2)土地工程学可以作为土地科学的二级学科;(3)土壤重构是土地工程学的核心理论;(4)待整治土地调查和评价、土地工程规划设计、土地工程技术与工艺等组成土地工程学的应用技术.



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