首页> 中文期刊>中国发明与专利 >我国专利审查能力建设的回顾与展望




For over 30 years of reform and opening-up, Chinese patent examination ability has been improving rapidly. Throughout the process of the improvement of patent examination ability, it can be divided into five stages which include exploring stage, initiative stage, developing stage, backlog-easing stage and overall promotion stage. Now, we are entering the key breakthrough stage. Accelerating the construction of world-class patent examination office is the new general target of improving the patent examination ability which is proposed on summarizing the policy effect of patent examination. Accelerating the construction of world-class patent examination offices is also the general direction of scientific development of patent examination cause and the top-level design of patent examination policy. From the historical point of view, the objective of building a world-class patent examination office is the upgrading of the strategy of construction of intellectual property strong office. From the realistic point of view, world-class patent examination office is the cornerstone of an intellectual property powerful nation. From the international point of view, world-class patent examination ability is the foundation of leading the development of intellectual property all over the world. From the domestic point of view, world-class patent examination ability is the key to promote innovation and development.%改革开放三十多年来,我国专利审查能力建设不断加强,专利审查能力加速提高。纵观我国专利审查综合能力的提升,大体经历了探索阶段、初创阶段、发展阶段、缓解积压阶段、全面提升阶段,目前进入重点突破阶段。加快建设世界一流专利审查机构,这是站在这一历史时期深刻总结我国三十多年来专利审查工作取得的质效的基础上,认真探索国际变革大势下知识产权强国建设对专利审查工作提出的新要求的基础上得出的,已经成为我国专利审查能力建设的未来愿景,成为我国专利审查事业科学发展的总体方向,成为加快建设知识产权强国背景下专利审查工作的总体愿景与战略谋划。从历史维度看,世界一流专利审查机构是知识产权强局的认识升华;从现实维度看,世界一流专利审查机构是知识产权强国的重要基石。从国际角度看,世界一流专利审查能力成为引领知识产权国际格局和制度变化的关键基础;从国内角度看,提高专利审查能力成为实现创新发展的重--求。



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