首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >医疗机构使用中消毒剂的微生物污染检测及消毒剂供试品无菌检验的分析




purpose In order to grasp the city medical institutions at all levels in use disinfectants microbial pollution, en-hance the management of the use of disinfectants, reduce the nosocomial infection rate. Methods in the use of field collec-tion and medical institutions use disinfectant, evaluate the contaminated bacteria in the acquisition of disinfectants; The medical and health disinfection standard 2012 edition (volume). Results in use disinfectants, percent of pass is 82.6%per-cent of pass is 92%alcohol disinfectant, plant-based peroxide (79.3%), chlorine disinfectant was 97.6%, the iodine disin-fectant was 98%, aldehydes disinfectants was 76%, phenolic disinfectant is 99%; Total number of colonies, which is 5.5%, mold and yeast detection rate was 1.3%, staphylococcus aureus, 2% detection rate, pseudomonas aeruginosa detection rate was 0.8%, beta hemolytic streptococcus detection rate of 1%. Conclusion of the used disinfectant must strengthen manage-ment, preparing and using correctly, regular sampling inspection, reduce the nosocomial infection.%目的:为了掌握该市各级医疗机构使用中消毒剂微生物污染情况,加强使用中消毒剂的管理,降低院内感染率。方法在使用现场采集各医疗机构使用中消毒剂,对采集的消毒剂进行污染菌检测;《医疗卫生消毒标准2012版(合订本)》。结果使用中消毒剂合格率为82.6%,醇类消毒剂的合格率为92%,过氧化物类为79.3%,含氯消毒剂为97.6%,碘类消毒剂为98%,醛类消毒剂为76.0%,酚类消毒剂为99.0%;菌落总数超标率为5.5%,霉菌和酵母菌检出率为1.3%,金黄色葡萄球菌检出率为2.0%,铜绿假单胞菌检出率为0.8%,乙型溶血性链球菌检出率为1%。结论对使用中的消毒剂要加强管理,正确配制与使用,定期抽样检测,降低院内感染。



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