首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >100所县级综合性医院性病规范化门诊的创建及常态化管理效果分析




Objective To Strengthen the health education and Specification Diagnosis-treatment through set up the specifi-cation STI clinic in 100 county level hospital, as to cut back the Danger of STD and HIV Infection by sex Touching. Methods Having set up 100 specification STI clinic in county level hospital cover whole Guangxi province so as to provide specification diagnosis-treatment and health education for the patients and consultants, as well as to analysis its social and economy effects through collecting the synthesized Information from the 100 units since 2005. Results Achieved the full coverage of specification STI clinic for whole province In the county as a unit. The setting up of specification STI clinic en-hanced technology of Diagnosis- treatment and service quality for these county level hospital, in the same time, most of them could Initiative carry out prevention-Intervention action face to the high-risk groups. As a result of popularizing for the specification STI clinic, the number of visits and clinic income in most of county level hospital had obviously increased. Conclusion It was the important premise-condition of supporting and guiding by the local Health Bureau for setting up specification STI clinic and that was Included the Assessment indicators of HIV prevention was the important measure to keep it Normalization management, for the same time, professional technology support by province level Derma-tology Institute to be Essential.%目的 通过在县级综合性医院建立规范化的性病门诊,加强对性病艾滋病高危人群的宣传干预及规范诊疗,减少性病艾滋病通过性途径传播的危险性.方法 依托艾防、医政、疾控三大部门联合协作,在全省县级以上综合性医院创建规范化的性病门诊,对所有前来就诊、咨询的性病患者提供规范化的诊疗及性病艾滋病预防干预. 同时收集2005年以来建立的100所县区级人民医院规范化性病门诊的综合效益信息进行对比. 结果 实现了全省以县为单位规范化性病门诊的全覆盖. 通过创建活动提高了各医院的性病诊疗技术和服务质量,同时促进各医院主动开展社区预防性病艾滋病健康教育活动,所有参评医院都主动开展了面向高危场所和高危人群的外展活动,同时提高了正规医院性病门诊的知名度和权威性,性病门诊就诊数量及经济收入明显提高,取得了明显的社会效益和经济效益. 结论 艾防、医政、疾控三大部门联合协作是创建规范化性病门诊的重要条件;将规范化性病门诊的管理工作纳入艾滋病防治综合考核指标是保证规范化性病门诊常态化运行的重要措施;而通过全省皮肤病防治机构向规范化性病门诊提供专业支持是保证性病规范诊疗的技术基础.



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