首页> 中文期刊> 《中国保健营养(中旬刊)》 >发热门诊甲型H7N9突发性流行的应急管理与防控




Objective: To investigate influenza H7N9 influenza epidemic fever clinic management experience. Method: to strengthen the organization and management, personnel training, strengthening personal protection of medical personnel and strict implementation of disinfection and isolation system, do pass screening, on-site supervision. Results:with the pseudo close contacts of patients and medical staff without infection, no second generation of patients;timely and effectively prevent the epidemic spreading. Conclusion:sound emergency management and improve the emergency response plans and the work process is the key to the prevention and control of influenza a H7N9 influenza pandemic. Do the flu prevention knowledge propaganda, let the masses understand the disease is preventable, treatable, control able, improve people's self-protection consciousness and ability to prevent.%目的:探讨甲型H7N9流感流行期间发热门诊的管理经验。方法:加强组织管理、人员培训,强化医务人员个人防护及严格执行消毒隔离制度、做好关口筛查、现场督导。结果:与拟似患者密切接触者和医务人员未发生感染,无第二代患者;及时有效地阻止了疫情的扩散和蔓延。结论:健全的应急管理和完善的应急预案及工作流程是防控甲型H7N9流感流行的关键。做好流感防治知识的宣传普及工作,让群众了解本病是可防、可治、可控的,提高群众自我保护意识和防病能力。



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