首页> 中文期刊> 《中国港湾建设》 >现场条件下耙吸船疏浚仪表的校验方法




Trailing suction hopper dredgers, during dredging operations, rely mainly on the numerical data and information displayed on various instruments to monitor and control the working status of a dredger. However, domestic instruments provided on a dredger are generally calibrated to zero position before a dredger is discharged from the shipyard, but no testing is not made to check the slope ( sensitivity) test, resulting in the possible increase of discrepancy between the instrument readings and the actual value. It is therefore necessary to check regularly the instruments. According to the relevant standards, the instrument calibration condition is relatively tight and it is more difficult to calibrate these instruments while a dredger is in production. This article expounds how the instruments are calibrated in a simple way and by making use of the site conditions available during daily operation of a dredger to ensure the accuracy of parameters and the efficiency and safety of the dredger.%耙吸挖泥船施工期间主要依靠各种施工仪表显示的数值监控船舶施工状态,而目前船舶配置的国产仪表在出厂时一般只校验零位,不对其斜率(灵敏度)进行检测,造成仪表读数与实际值存在差异的可能性增加,需要定期进行校验。根据相关规范,各仪表的校验条件较为严密,船舶在日常施工生产中较难进行。文中阐述了船舶如何利用现场条件,在日常施工期间进行仪表的简易校验,确保参数的准确性,保证船舶施工效率与安全。



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