首页> 中文期刊>中国环境科学 >基于DEA模型的我国城市生活垃圾管理效率评价




运用数据包络分析(DEA)的模型,通过建立城市生活垃圾管理系统的指标体系,对我国34座城市的生活垃圾管理效率进行了总体评价,并分析了城市GDP产值和人口规模与生活垃圾管理系统效率的相关性.结果表明,现阶段大部分城市的生活垃圾管理具有较好的规模效率(均值0.905),但总体效率需要进一步提高(均值0.622).按照城市所在的地理分区进行排序,华南、华北、华东地区的生活垃圾管理效率较高,而东北、西南、西北和华中地区的城市相对较低.1000万人口规模以上的城市生活垃圾管理的平均效率(0.843)要明显高于该规模以下的城市(<0.6).由此,优化资源配置,提高技术和投入,实现集约发展是提升生活垃圾管理系统的有效途径.%The data envelopment analysis (DEA) model was used in the overall analysis and evaluation of the efficiencies for municipal solid waste management system of 34 major cities in China. And correlation analysis of the efficiency with city's GDP or population scale. At current stage, most cities' solid waste management level reached at a preferable scale efficiency (mean 0.905), but need to further improve technical efficiency (mean 0.622). According to the geographical sorting, the efficiencies of municipal solid waste management (MSW) of these cities in South China, North China, East China were relatively more efficient, while Northeast, Southwest, Northwest and Central China city were relatively low. The average technical efficiency of MSW is 0.843 for the cities with the population scale of above 10 million, which was significantly higher than those cities with smaller population (<0.6). Therefore, to achieve the intensive development by optimizing resource allocation, improving techniques and increasing investment is an effective approach to improve solid waste management system.



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