首页> 中文期刊>中国数字医学 >DICOM放射治疗中结构集文件的创建




In this paper, we fulfill the creation of RT Structure Set object using ITK tool in the DICOM standard.We build the procedural model through DICOM images (in this paper, we take CT images as an example) to the creation of RT Structure Set files.In DICOM standard, the main purpose of RT Structure Set object is to transfer patient structures and related data which mainly includes Structure Set module, ROI Contour module which doctors are interested in and ROI Observations module and so on.We can use automated segmentation algorithms which already implemented in ITK for outlining a region of interest which a doctor is interested in, and then we can draw the ROI contour data, create the RT Structure Set files, and lay a solid foundation for the development of the whole treatment planning system.%TK工具完成了医学数字成像及通信(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, DICOM)标准中的RT结构集(Radiotherapy Structure Set)对象的创建,实现了从带有病灶的DICOM图像(以CT图像为例)到RT结构集文件创建整个过程,建立了整个流程模型.DICOM标准中的RT结构集对象主要用于传送病人结构和相关数据,在结构集信息实体中,其主要包含结构集模块、医生感兴趣区域轮廓模块(ROI Contour)和感兴趣区域观察模块(ROI Observations)等.可以用ITK工具实现自动勾画医生感兴趣区域的操作,从而抽取出轮廓数据(Contour data),创建RT结构集文件,为进一步实现整个治疗计划系统开发打下坚实基础.



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