首页> 中文期刊>中国数字医学 >HIS补号系统强化医院精细化管理与服务




Our hospital is a national top three hospital. The number of outpatient is always leading in hospitals in Beijing. However the valid doctor visiting resources cannot meet the needs of the patients. The outpatient registration compensation effectively alleviates this contradiction. Within the scope of the ability of doctors, through the outpatient registration compensation, the needs of the patients are met as much as possible, the treatment experience of patients is improved, and patient satisfaction is improved. At the same time, it effectively avoids seeing a doctor without appointment and other charge evasion, increases the hospital' s business income, guarantees the integrity of clinic data, and improves the accuracy of the data statistics. For the statistics of medical insurance cost, due to the increase in effective clinic visits, the fee per time of patients in our hospital reduces.%北医三院作为全国知名的三甲医院,门急诊量始终居于北京市各大医院前列。然而有效的医生出诊资源已无法满足广大患者的就诊需求。门诊补号有效缓解了这一矛盾,在医生接诊能力范围内,通过门诊补号尽量满足患者的就诊需求,改善了患者的就医体验,提高了患者的满意度。同时有效避免了就诊未挂号等漏费现象的发生,增加了医院业务收入,保证了就诊数据的完整性,提高了数据统计的准确性。针对医保费用统计,由于有效就诊人次的增加,使医院就诊患者的次均费用有所降低。



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