首页> 中文期刊>中国继续医学教育 >三维影像配合手术导板在口腔种植中的美学应用




Objective To discuss the aesthetic application of 3 d image collaborate with operation guided in oral planting.Methods Selected 11 patients with oral cavity in our hospital, preoperatively given three-dimensional imaging examination, conducted none disc oral dental implants under 3 d operation guide.Results Compared with traditional implant surgery, preoperative 3 d image design and 3 d guide technology implant can correct implant Angle, the error was about 2 degrees. After surgery, follow-up for one year of tracking and inspection, there was none implant falls off nor loose phenomenon.Conclusion In dental implants operation, the use of 3 d imaging and 3 d guide implant surgery can make the surgical operation simple and less surgical trauma.%目的:临床分析三维影像配合手术导板在口腔种植中的美学应用效果。方法选取我院收治的11例口腔患者,在手术前,给予三维影像学检查,在3 D手术导板下,选择不翻瓣口腔牙种植术。结果与传统植牙手术比较,通过术前三维影像设计,配合3 D导板技术植牙,可纠正植体角度,误差2°左右。在手术后,给予1年随访、跟踪检查,没有出现种植体脱落、松动现象。结论在牙种植手术中,使用三维影像医学、3 D手术导板联合植牙,手术操作简便,手术创伤较小,美观效果良好。



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