首页> 中文期刊> 《混凝土与水泥制品》 >膨胀珍珠岩粒径对水泥砂浆性能的影响




选用膨胀珍珠岩作为水泥砂浆的内养护材料,研究了膨胀珍珠岩粒径对水泥砂浆收缩率及力学性能的影响。结果表明,膨胀珍珠岩粒径的减小会降低其早期吸水能力,提高其后期释水速度,因而膨胀珍珠岩粒径对砂浆收缩率的影响与时间有关;前45d,0.425~0.250mm珍珠岩砂浆的收缩率最小;45~60d,砂浆收缩率随珍珠岩粒径的减小而增大;砂浆的抗压强度、抗折强度、拉伸粘结强度基本随着膨胀珍珠岩粒径的减小而逐渐增大,且珍珠岩粒径的减小对提高砂浆的柔韧性有利。%The expanded perlite as the internal curing material of the cement mortar is selected, and the influences of the size of expanded perlite particles on the shrinkage and mechanical properties of the mortar are studied. The results show that the early water absorbing capacity of the expanded perlite would reduce and the late water releasing speed would improve with the decrease of the size of perlite particles, so the effect of the size of the perlite particles on the shrinkage of cement mortar is related to the time. The mortar with the perlite particles sizes between 0.425 to 0.250mm has the mini-mum shrinkage in the initial 45 days. The shrinkage of mortar increases with the reduction of the size of perlite particles in 45 to 60 days. The compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile bonding strength of the mortar increase with the re-duction of the size of perlite particles, and the reduction of the size of perlite particles is beneficial to improving the flexi-bility of the mortar.



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