首页> 中文期刊>中国动物检疫 >养殖场有机废弃物处理机处理病害生猪的生物安全评估




为做好畜禽养殖场有机废弃物处理机处理病害生猪的生物安全评估,对处理前原料、处理后成品和冷凝水开展4种病毒、2种细菌和蛔虫卵检测,评估处理机的生物安全水平。结果表明,在原料中检出核酸阳性猪瘟病毒1批次、蓝耳病病毒13批次、伪狂犬病毒3批次、圆环病毒12批次;在经处理过的材料中未检出上述4种病毒和沙门氏杆菌,每克成品中的大肠杆菌最大可能数小于3个,蛔虫卵死亡率超过97%,符合有机肥行业标准;在冷凝水中未检出上述4种病毒、沙门氏杆菌和蛔虫卵,每毫升冷凝水中大肠杆菌最大可能数小于3个。综合分析,畜禽养殖场有机废弃物处理机(TY-FCW-26型)处理病害生猪,生物安全有保障,能够实现无害化处理和资源化利用。%To assess biosafety of the organic waste processor for treatment of materials from diseased swine in livestock farms,samples of pre-process and processed materials and condensed water were detected for 4 viruses,2 bacteria and ascarid eggs. The results showed that CSFV-RNA,PRRSV-RNA,PRV-RNA and PCV-RNA were detected respectively in 1,13,3 and 12 batches of the pre-processed materials;none of the said 4 virus-RNAs and no Salmonella were detected in all the processed materials;MPN of E. coli was less than 3/g processed material and ascarid egg mortality was greater than 97%,which meet the organic fertilizer standard;none of the said 4 virus-RNAs,no Salmonella and ascarid egg were detected in condensed water and MPN of E. coli was less than 3/mL condensed water. Comprehensive analysis suggested that biosafety of the organic waste processor(Type TY-FCW-26)for treatment of materials from diseased swine in livestock farms could be guaranteed,and biosafety disposal and resource utilization could be expectedly realized.



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