首页> 外文会议>Environment, low-carbon and strategy. >Financing Strategy and Assessment of the Scaled Farm -Taking the Construction of New Hope Group Pigs Production and Processing Project in Leshan City as an Example

Financing Strategy and Assessment of the Scaled Farm -Taking the Construction of New Hope Group Pigs Production and Processing Project in Leshan City as an Example


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An international agreement has been reached that every country should take the road of LCE (low-carbon economy) characterized by energy conservation and emission reduction, sustainable development at the present stage. Carbon Finance is becoming the key to promoting the development of LCE and taking in the future LCE development "commanding heights" gradually. This article aims at analyzing the CDM financing strategy of pig industry in transition period, which is also exemplified by the biogas project in the pig farm in China's Midwest regions with cultural and natural heritages under the international Carbon Finance.This biogas project is organized and invested by Leshan New Hope Group Co., Ltd. By estimating the mitigation benefits brought by mitigation benefits and power generations, this article also provides estimation about the economic benefits and mitigation benefits brought by financing through cleaning management system. It applies SWOT matrix to strategy analysis of CDM projects and constructing a complete low-carbon industry chains. All these efforts will provide references for promoting the development of biogas project and CDM project in the scale pig farms in this area.



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