首页> 中文期刊>化学研究 >全氟辛酸的环境行为及其在多环境介质中的分布




Perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA) and its salts is an important chemical products due to its hydrophobic, hydrophobic and thermal stability. However, they have resulted in global ecosystem pol-lution, become as a persistent organic pollutants ( POPs) candidate in 2015 to be listed into Stockholm Convention, due to its persistence, bioaccumulations, potential long-range transport abilities and toxic-ity of themselves and their precursors. PFOA has reproduction toxicity, development toxicity, immunity toxicity, and can damage animal's liver, etc. PFOA and its related salts are a group of emerging chemi-cals and the most concerned contaminants in the world. In this paper, the physicochemical properties, environmental fate, transportation, and pollution trend of PFOA are reviewed to provide important in-formation to the potential researchers.%全氟辛酸(PFOA)具有优良的疏水疏油性能及热稳定性,是我国重要的化工产品.但近年来,相关研究已经逐步证实PFOA具有持久性有机污染物的诸多特性,如环境持久性、难降解性及生物蓄积性.动物实验表明低剂量条件下,PFOA就能引发生殖、免疫、心血管和遗传发育等毒性.PFOA等现已成为继二恶英、有机氯农药等有机化合物之后的一种新型持久性有机污染物,是目前全氟化合物中最受关注的种类之一.本文作者针对全氟辛酸的环境行为及其在不同环境介质中的分布及特征做了综述,为将来进一步的研究工作的开展提供借鉴.



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