首页> 中文期刊>化学工程 >泡沫铁镉镍和泡沫铝复合规整填料的实验研究




利用泡沫金属规整填料各自的优点,将泡沫铁镉镍填料与泡沫铝填料组合成新型复合规整填料,并用空气-水、环己烷-正庚烷物系分别对其进行流体力学性能实验和传质实验.实验结果表明:在相同条件下,新型复合规整填料比Al&CY复合填料压降降低约70%,和CY丝网填料接近,同时具有较高的泛点气速,操作弹性大,持液量较大,其理论塔板数可达5块以上.这说明新型复合规整填料结合了泡沫铁镉镍填料和泡沫铝填料的优点,其分离效率介于Al&CY复合填料和CY填料之间,是一种优秀的新型复合填料.%Using the advantages of the different foam metal structured packings,a new structured packing was composited with Fe-Gr-Ni foam packing and Al foam packing.The hydrodynamics and mass transfer experiments were carried out with air-water system and cyclohexane n-heptane system.The experimental results show that the pressure drop of the new type of composite packing reduced by about 70% compared with Al & CY composite packing under the same condition.That is close to the CY wire packing.It has a higher flooding point gas velocity,flexible range of operation,and large liquid holding capacity.The number of theoretical plates is up to 5.This shows that the new structured packing is an excellent novel composite packing,it combines the advantages of FeGr-Ni foam packing and aluminum foam packing and its separation efficiency is between Al & CY composite packing and CY wire packing.



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