首页> 中文期刊>中原文化研究 >“道通为一”解




道家思想乃中国传统宇宙论之一源,《庄子·齐物论》则为道家宇宙论之精髓,《齐物论》之主旨为“道通为一”。学界有关“道通为一”之义的纷争由来已久,莫得其解。“道通为一”之“道”,既为本体之道,亦为道术之道。“道通为一”则是指得道之士基于超然心理状态究极世界而万物无别者也。佛学论万物“非有”“非无”,阳明心学称“心外无物”,康德辨现象与物自体,薛定谔论时空内在于人类自心,上述诸说与《齐物论》“道通为一”之旨殊途同归,皆谓外在客体本无自性,实为认知主体基于自身能力而判断万物,并赋予万物既定的性质。%“All things are the same from Tao”in Qiwu Theory of Zhuangzi is the key argument of Taoist school and also one of the origins of traditional Chinese cosmology. Scholars from ancient to present give various interpretations to this Taoist argument. In my opinion Tao is related to both of ontology and Taoist meditation which means that only enlightened person can have an insight on“All things are the same from Tao.”Buddhist scholar’s opinion that each thing is both“being”and“no-being,”Wang Yangming’s opinion that“nothing exists outside human heart,”Immanuel Kant’s distinguishing“thing-it-self”and“thing-by-see,”Erwin Schrödinger’s argument that time and space are inside human heart, all above arguments are almost the same to“All things are the same from Tao,”which means that object itself is nothing but something by the observer who feels.



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