首页> 中文期刊> 《上海商学院学报》 >“丝绸之路经济带”建设与中国海外利益维护




伴随着“丝绸之路经济带”倡议的提出,中国与周边国家交往进一步加深,中国海外利益的内涵与规模也随之拓展。它主要包括海外政治利益、经济利益、安全利益、文化利益。在“丝绸之路经济带”建设过程中,中国海外利益的维护是一个系统工程,需要对地区国家的国家利益、地区整体发展方向进行平衡。客观全面理解中国的海外利益及其可能的风险,有助于我们在互利共赢的基础上,稳步推进“丝绸之路经济带”的共建共享。%China’s overseas interests have continuously expanded in terms of scope and scale.It is the same as those mentioned above on the Eurasia Continent covered by The Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative .In the region,China’s overseas interests cover the political,economic,security and culture fields.In the “Silk Road Economic Belt”construction process,it is a systematic project to protect China’s overseas interests.We need to co-ordinate the planning,and be patient and meticulous seriously;enhance China’s capacity building needs and improve China interactive mechanism of the outside world;have a comprehensive understanding of national interests,at the same time,we should hold the balance between the regional and national interests.



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