首页> 中文期刊> 《建筑热能通风空调》 >基于E nergyP lus对南京地区应用夜间通风预测

基于E nergyP lus对南京地区应用夜间通风预测



In orderto study the feasibility ofnight-tim e ventilation in Nanjing,a typicaloffice building was selected and building energy sim ulation software EnergyPlus was used to sim ulate.In the typicalweather conditions,considered the ventilation tim e,the air change rate and other factors on the indoor tem perature,hum idity,and enthalpy.The change in enthalpy of the indoor air was equivalentto the power consum ption of source heatpum p air-conditioning,by com paring the energy consum ption in fan power consum ption.The results showthat:ventilation tim e appropriate to selectthe tim e when outdoor tem perature is lower. The air change rate corresponds to different critical point in different ventilation tim e.W hen air change rate is less than that of the critical point,the equivalent air-conditioning power consum ption is greater than the fan power consum ption.Ithas energy-saving effect.W hen the ventilation tim e is from 6:00 to 6:30 am , air change rate is 1~2 ac/h, the absolute difference of equivalent air-conditioning power consum ption and fan power consum ption was m axim um ,energy saving reach 3.6kW h in halfan hour.%为了对南京地区进行夜间通风的可行性进行预测,选取南京地区某典型办公楼,利用建筑全能耗模拟软件E nergyPlus进行了模拟研究。在典型气象条件下,分别考虑了通风时间,换气次数等因素对室内温湿度及空气比焓的影响。将室内空气焓值的变化等效为空气源热泵空调耗电量,通过对比空调的耗电量与通风风机的耗电量,得出最佳的换气次数,并进行了节能效果分析。结果表明:通风时间选择在室外温度较低的时间段内较为合适。换气次数在不同的通风时间下对应不同的临界点,当换气次数小于临界点的换气次数时,等效空调耗电量大于风机耗电量,此时具有节能效果。当通风时间为6:00~6:30时,换气次数为1~2ac/h时,等效空调的耗电量与风机的耗电量差值的绝对值最大,半小时通风的最大节能达到3.6kW h。



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